Episode 48 - The Astrologer

This week I’ll be speaking with world-renowned astrologer Jeff Harman. Jeff uses a unique blend of Classical, Vedic, Naadi and Kabbalistic Astrology to get a comprehensive view of an individual’s astrological makeup. With that information, he can then look at the transitions and progressions coming up and compare them to your unique profile, illuminating personal challenges or positive energies that will be crossing your path.

Jeff Harman Website

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Jeff Harman Facebook

Intro - 00:15
Ads - 03:58 - Please visit our sponsors Magic Mind, Genesis Pharms, Awakened Vapes, and our own Patreon page to help support this podcast! Use Promo Code AWAKE20 on your first order of Magic Mind!
Interview - 7:41

Welcome back to Awakened Exchanges!

Today’s guest is world-renowned astrologer Jeff Harman. Jeff uses a unique blend of Classical, Vedic, Naadi and Kabbalistic Astrology to get a comprehensive view of an individual’s astrological makeup, we’re not talking about a “what’s your sign?” kind of astrology. When you listen to him explain about the planets and the stars, you can’t help but be curious about how much we don’t really know. I’m thinking that this will be the first of two episodes with Jeff, as I’m going to go ahead a book a personal reading for myself and share some of it with all of you so that you can get a glimpse of what you’re in for and an idea as to my personal reactions during his revelations. As for today, I hope you enjoy learning about the different kinds of astrology he uses and how they work. Oh, and just a fun little side note, I decided to bump up the release of this episode so that it would be a numerologically significant episode number for me. Why? Why not?

Now, before we get to the show, I want to thank each of you personally for your support. If you have the means and would like to contribute personally, please take a look at our Patreon page where you will get access to exclusive content and deals! Your personal support there and through purchases at Awakened Vapes are incredibly important to the survival of the Awakened Brands and the growth of the A.R.C.; words can’t express how grateful I am for each of you. As for our other sponsors, Magic Mind is a magical combination of ingredients, designed to help you improve your energy, focus, and productivity. Hear more about it in just a minute, or better yet, go to magicmind.co/awake and use the promo-code AWAKE20, that’s A-W-A-K-E-2-0, for an incredible total of 40% off of your first order! That’s just $3 per bottle and it makes for a great way to start any day. Of course, that always pairs well with the original Awakened Vapes, which was the first of the Awakened Brands, and has been helping you modulate your high with CBD-only, high-terpene vape products since 2019. And let’s never forget that Genesis Pharms is still making the highest-quality medicinal RSO, among many other fantastic products, starting back when it was just a medical marijuana community.


Episode 49 - Working Class Rockstar


Episode 47 - The DMT Journey